Georges "dare to aspire" show is equally successful with primary, secondary and special school pupils. It is an interactive story of his life and experiences that demonstrates to children that no matter what life throws at you if you hold your "big dreams" in your heart and practice resilience you will succeed. There is time for the pupils to ask George any questions they may have at the end of the presentation which they LOVE.
Georges "power up your potential" show is more academically based and aimed more at key stage 4 students. George draws upon not only his life experiences but also his experiences as a teacher in some of the toughest schools in the UK to demonstrate to students that no matter what life throws at you education holds the key to opening the doors for their future. He inspires them to stop making excuses in school and demonstrates their need for resilience. George introduces his ten key characteristics of a successful person. There is time for the pupils to ask George any questions they may have at the end of the presentation which they LOVE.
George has developed a 6 week intervention programme that builds on the foundations laid in the dare to aspire and power up your potential shows to make a longer lasting practical impact on cohorts of students and change there life's forever. Every school that has participated in the six week intervention programme has improved grades by 40% in numeracy and 45% in literacy.
Dare to Aspire can design a workshop for any chosen theme, we do however have three most popular: Gingerbread person(Profiling workshop): a classroom based, paper workshop which can be delivered to up to 60 students at a time. Gingerbread introduces the students to Georges 10 key characteristics of a successful person. With Georges guidance and intervention, Students examine their own hopes and dreams for the future and which of the characteristics they possess and which they can “switch on”. Spaghetti and marshmallows: a practical team building workshop which loosely works along the same lines as the De Bono hats challenging students to work collaboratively to succeed their goals and the need for all types of characters to achieve their potential. Dare to aspire: an I.T based workshop during which students design a 10 slide power point presentation to inspire students of their own age. This workshop is extremely useful for uncovering genuine fears and concerns from particular cohorts.
It is often remarked that teachers and support staff gain as much inspiration from the shows that George delivers as the students. It is extremely common for a show to begin with the minimum allocated number of staff. Mid way through the show swarms arrive to experience the show. Our CPD sessions can take any slant but the most common requests are for a dare to aspire show and practical tools to help them engage with the students and practical tips to encompass resilience into their curriculum and daily practice.
He is the third generation of international professional rugby players whose career spanned 14 years. He went from representing South Africa schools teams to being a pivotal member of South Africa junior squads. He continued his senior rugby and is proud to have played against the British Lions in 1997. A horrific sporting injury left him with a 2-year struggle to walk again and regain his fitness. Far from ending his rugby career, the challenge and adversity led to a renewed resilient mindset to make a comeback, resulting in 7 further years in top tier sport. From 2008 till present George has been working as a High Performance Mindset Coach to Olympic Teams and International Sport teams. George now spends his time working throughout the UK/Ireland in all educational sectors delivering his acclaimed Dare to Aspire dynamic presentation and inspirational workshop programmes. In sharing his story to demonstrate that dreams can always be fulfilled, that everyone possesses the ten key characteristics to being successful and resilience can be a learned skill.